From one of the ports on Baltras, the crew from the Darwin yacht took our luggage and then us to the boat on a rubber dinghy - while we waited, we communed with the sea lions hanging out under the dock. From afar, it didn't look big enough for the 16 of us
and the crew - it's on the left - but once we were actually on the boat, it looked surprisingly roomy. Well, maybe not roomy. But big enough, at least.
After we unpacked our stuff and got some safety instructions, we headed to Bachas beach back on Santa Cruz, where we wandered around, checking out iguanas [little did we know how many more we would see at pretty much every stop - but we never really got sick of them...they're really photogenic little guys] and a flamingo [much less common than the iguanas].

Standing in line for our first dinner on the boat. All of the food was increeeeedible.

A few of us hung out on the back of the boat a little later into the night, watching some pelicans chilling on and fishing off of the dinghy we were pulling behind us.