Bread with a vacant smile.

A popular bread brand in Portugal. In the course of the extensive research that I, of course, always do for this blog - glancing at wikipedia if I'm not too lazy at the moment - I have discovered that the brand is actually Mexican:

"The name 'Bimbo' has no specific meaning in Spanish; thus, the name has not caused significant uproar as it would in the United States, where the word "bimbo" has a negative connotation. ... In Mexico as in some Latin American countries, it is common to refer to any bread brand as 'pan bimbo' (bimbo bread) instead of the proper 'pan de caja' (loaf of bread). The name 'Bimbo' has almost become a synonym for bread." [wikipedia]

Xerox, Kleenex, Bimbo...I like it.


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