I'm pretty sure I remembered the last thing I wanted to mention about Cambodia.
One evening at the Yaklom Hill Lodge, Brian and I independently decided to head to the sunset viewing point. He had a net to catch bugs [oh, traveling with biologists...] and I had on pajama pants and sandals and was carrying a book because I thought it would be a quick, easy jaunt up there and I could read a few pages and then enjoy a beautiful sunset. [Helpful hint: this did not end up happening.]
We ran into each other on the way up and continued the journey together. The hill lodge was in the jungle, so the trail was a little rough. It got darker and darker, and we couldn't find the viewing point. After climbing over some downed trees, we realized the trail had disappeared. We halfheartedly tried to find another one going up, but it was getting so dark that we knew we had already missed any good sunset and decided to give up and head back down.
Three-fourths of the way down, when it was all dusky, off to the side of the trail we heard the leaves rustling and then a growl, whereupon I said, "Oh shit!", Brian roared back, and we both ran like hell.
We're both pretty sure it was a boar, but the rest of the group mostly just mocked us when we told them about it. Thanks for your concern, guys.
【完成】 まったく新しい「0円賃貸」で高収益マンション投資術
4 years ago
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