Japan: America[ns] in Chiba.

Sarah and I hung out with Fred, an elementary school friend, in Chiba, an area that's partnered with Wisconsin for school exchanges and so on. We did a tour of American restaurants. [Two restaurants counts as a "tour." Just go with it.] Our first stop was Pantry Coyote, or, as the menu says, "the storge [sic] of food of the prairie wolf."

They had big, delicious burgers.

Shark! Not necessarily American.

Next stop: Hartley, the cowboy restaurant.


Did you know that cowboys used chopsticks? Now you know!

After all the Americanness, we needed some Japaneseness, so we went to a karaoke place. We passed a Burning Building on the way, but no one was putting it out. What's the point of the sign if no one cares?

Karaoke room - we snuck some booze in [my classy choice was a bottle of Franzia] so we didn't have to pay their high prices. Don't tell them.

Just to make them hate me a little, I made Fred and Sarah sing Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. But I made up for it by also choosing "Come Together," which I bet is one of the least frequently chosen Beatles karaoke songs.


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