In Andalucía, Wisconsin = Timbuktu?

Most of you have already seen me mention this on facebook, day I was out on a bike ride with David, one of our local guides, and when I mentioned where I was from he said, "Oh! You know, here in southern Spain, we use Wisconsin to say that something is very far away."

Example 1 [except imagine it in Spanish]: "Man, he kicked that ball all the way to Wisconsin!"

Example 2: "I don't want to go all the way to that bar - it's in Wisconsin!"

He said they use it because "it sounds funny and it's far away."

I think this is pretty amazing, but I forgot to confirm with a few other Andalucians, and it just seems too awesome to be true - if anyone reading this has heard Wisconsin used this way, in Spain or elsewhere, please do let me know!

Hm, maybe I should ask about it at Language Log...


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