Alexandria, Egypt.

Day trip to Alexandria [up north] with Waleed, Yasmin, and Yasmin's friend there Amr. I liked Alex a lot, but then I like pretty much all coastal/beach towns...although I have never seen beach town residents more clothed than in Alex.

There was watermelon hut after watermelon hut all along the highway up there.

Along the way, we stopped at Lion Village, a run-down safari-themed restaurant and mini-zoo.

We didn't actually see any lions, but apparently dogs were exotic enough to be in the zoo.

A decorated truck, complete with USPS Express Service decals.

The president puts up his president friends here.

Excessively long fishing pole.

Waiting patiently for any stray fish.

On the way home: unfortunately, a bad photo, but this van was hilarious - all the stuff strapped to the top almost doubled its height.


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