Back to Long Beach: the August 11th Lightbulb Mouth Radio Hour.

I talked Abbey into going back to Long Beach with me for the next LMRH.

The sun was hitting the buildings just right.

Heather completely rocked the open mic.

This was on the side of the mini mixing table - it appears to be a yeti wearing lederhosen and shouting "Run!" in German.

Musical guest: GLISS.


There's a third person in the band, too, but I couldn't really get him in the pictures from where I was sitting. Sorry, dude.

Informationist: Captain Wally Fingers, who taught us about efficient life management. For example, why waste time putting syrup on every bite of pancake [because as you know, even if you think you've poured enough on the first time, it always soaks in or otherwise disappears and you have to keep putting on more]? Instead, cut a hole into the middle of your pancake and use it a kind of syrup reservoir. Eat from the inside out, and the syrup will spread out to fill the empty space you just created with each bite. You'll save so much time! Apparently. I have yet to test the theory out, so let me know if you do.

Author: Jeffrey McDaniel, an East Coast poet. I like his poems, and I generally am not that into poetry - so you should check him out.

Also, he played a mean game of pool - that is, until someone on his team scratched the 8 ball, so Heather and I won! Sweet victory!


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