Teach me how to Bucky - holy matrimony style.

From Chicago, I once again got a craigslist rideshare - up to Madison - and once again was not murdered. Always appreciated.

It was my first time back in Madison since graduation a little over two years ago, and it was so nice to be back - I had forgotten how awesome it is.

I spent a lot of time with various generations of AYFers and a little time with former Waldsee campers, went to some of my old favorite restaurants and bars, walked around campus and re-lived the good ol' undergrad days, and took a German friend to his first American wedding.

Sparkle Court is just the most adorable name for a street ever.

In the first apartment I crashed at, there was a poster of Darwin hanging in the bathroom. For some reason it was full of typos, but this was my favorite one: "...The Preservation of Flavoured Races..." - I bet strawberry-flavored species would be best preserved...they make jelly out of that stuff all the time!

Library Mall on the campus end of State Street - if you look closely, you can see the Capitol at the other end.

The day of the wedding, the local low rider club was displaying some of their prides and joys on Library Mall.

Husband and wife!

The reception was at Memorial Union [the student union], so Bucky dropped in and kicked it with the bride.

At some point, Christian and I may or may not have crashed the other wedding reception that was in the Union that night. We may or may not have had a couple glasses of free beer [psh, our reception had free beer and wine - step up your game, other happily married couple!], danced to "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy", signed their guestbook in German, and fled back downstairs. The above and below pictures may or may not have been taken at that other reception.

After the reception and some time on State Street, it was time to introduce Christian to the wonder that is Ian's macaroni and cheese pizza.

The song "Teach Me How to Bucky" by a couple of UW students. Silly, but fun in a school-spirit kind of way. By the way, our football team is doing awesome this year. The day of the wedding, we totally trounced Austin Peay [admittedly, a school I had never heard of before] 70-3. A couple weeks ago we beat Ohio State, which was #1 at the time and is our mortal enemy all the time. I don't even really care about football, and it's still exciting.


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